9 Ways Grounding Yourself Can Help When You Feel Overwhelmed

Oct 1, 2023 | Techniques

It’s a hectic Monday morning, and your alarm mysteriously failed to go off. You rush to get ready, only to realize you missed a crucial deadline for a big project at work. On top of that, you’ve been experiencing challenges in your relationship, leaving you emotionally drained.

It feels like the universe is conspiring against you, and stress creeps in from all sides. Grounding yourself feels nearly impossible.

At times like these, it’s normal to feel untethered, adrift, and overwhelmed as if the ground beneath your feet has vanished, leaving you desperately seeking stability amidst the chaos. Feeling ungrounded like this is a familiar experience for many of us, especially at this time of year.

But grounding is a powerful practice that can help you regain your footing even when life’s storms are at their fiercest.

What Is Grounding?

Imagine standing barefoot on a sun-drenched beach, the soft grains of sand gently cradling your feet as the rhythmic waves of the ocean kiss the shore. In that moment, you feel a sense of peace, a profound connection to the Earth, and a feeling of being in the here and now.

This is grounding in its purest form.

Grounding is a practice that aligns you with the very essence of the planet – connecting you physically and energetically to the world around you. It’s a deep-rooted feeling of safety and stability amidst the chaos of life. Think of it like plugging yourself into the Earth’s natural energy grid, like a tree embeds its roots deep into the soil to draw in nutrients.

It’s important to remember that grounding isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s a profoundly personal and raw experience that varies from one person to another. How you connect with the Earth and feel grounded may not be the same for someone else.

But ultimately, grounding yourself leads to many benefits. Integrating this power practice into your life can help you find tranquility, balance, and a profound sense of connection.

The Benefits and Importance of Grounding

With the holidays and cold weather approaching, this is the time of year to slow down. It’s a time to metaphorically “hibernate” and nurture your connection with the Earth. Grounding yourself can help strengthen this connection. So you can turn inward, reconnect with yourself and the world around you, and take care of your whole being.

Grounding is also a gateway to holistic health and vitality. It offers many benefits for your physical and mental health, such as:

  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced stress
  • Decreased pain
  • Balanced nervous system
  • Improved heart health
  • Accelerated healing
  • Enhanced blood flow¹

These health benefits can help you reconnect with the Earth to feel your best and provide tranquility and balance in your life. But how do you ground yourself?

9 Ways Grounding Yourself Can Help When You Feel Overwhelmed 1

9 Ways to Ground Yourself

Grounding is not just an abstract concept. It’s a tangible practice that can transform your life. But you have to discover what grounding techniques help you feel connected to yourself and the Earth’s nurturing energy.

Here are 9 simple techniques to help ground yourself:

  1. Connect With Nature – Nature is a powerful grounding force. The tranquility and vibrant energy of the Earth can provide a profound sense of connection and calm. So spend time outdoors, whether it’s a leisurely walk in the park or sitting by the soothing presence of a serene lake.
  2. Walk Barefoot Outside – The Earth produces natural energy that you absorb through your feet (even if you can’t feel it). The simple act of walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil can help you reconnect with this energy. Because each step becomes a conscious connection. So take off your shoes and walk barefoot on natural surfaces to rekindle your connection.
  3. Embrace Houseplants – Bringing live plants into your space enhances its aesthetic, purifies the air, and infuses it with vitality. Caring for your plants also fosters a sense of responsibility and connection with the natural world. So fill your home with live plants, and say goodbye to artificial ones.
  4. Hold an Ice Cube – Surprisingly simple yet remarkably effective, holding an ice cube can jolt you back to the present moment. As it melts in your hand, you’re reminded of the vital connection between your body and the Earth’s life-giving element – water. So don’t be afraid to try a simple technique like this to ground yourself.
  5. Harness the Power of Crystals and Stones – Crystals (like smoky quartz) are known for their grounding properties. These Earth-born gems channel the Earth’s energy and can help stabilize your energy and emotions. So carry them with you or place them strategically in your space to enhance this grounding effect. (To learn more about crystals, check out the book Crystal Muse at my Amazon storefront.)
  6. Eat Fresh Herbs – Incorporating fresh herbs into your diet delights your taste buds and nourishes your body with the Earth’s natural bounty. This can help you feel more connected to the natural world and the nourishment it provides. So savor the flavors and let them remind you of your connection to the Earth.
  7. Root Chakra Sprays – Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine, and it keeps you energetically connected, or “rooted,” to the world. Root chakra sprays, designed to strengthen your root chakra, can be applied to your body or used to cleanse your living space. The ingredients (patchouli, cinnamon, and cedarwood) remind you to focus on balance and stability. (Ask me about purchasing chakra sprays at your next appointment.)
  8. Sage Cleansing – Smudging your living space with sage can eliminate stagnant and negative energy. It’s a practice that restores, purifies, and renews your environment. So, cleanse regularly to feel refreshed and reconnected to your spaces.
  9. Grounding Cover This innovative solution is a cover for your bed that simulates the Earth’s natural electric charge, allowing you to stay grounded as you sleep. It also allows you to sink into a deeper and more restorative rest. So, use a grounding cover that goes over your mattress.

By embracing these grounding techniques, you can weave a profound connection to the Earth’s energy into the fabric of your daily life.

Remember that grounding isn’t simply a practice or habit – it’s a reminder that you are firmly rooted in the here and now. By grounding yourself, you invite a sense of tranquility, balance, and profound connection into your life.

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Reconnect With the Earth by Grounding

Grounding is your lifeline to stability and well-being in a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain. Embrace the power of grounding to find your center, reduce stress, and regain your inner balance.

Whether you’re seeking tranquility, deeper meditations, increased vitality, or relief from physical and emotional discomfort,grounding can be your guiding light. As you journey through life’s twists and turns, remember to stay grounded and rooted in your strength.

If you’re ready to explore grounding or have questions about how it can benefit your spiritual journey, don’t hesitate to book a discovery call with me. It’s time to reconnect with the Earth and discover the profound impact it can have on your life.


  1. Oschman, James L, et al. “The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Inflammation, the Immune Response, Wound Healing, and Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases.” Journal of Inflammation Research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 24 Mar. 2015, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/.